Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wow these are easy!!

I am always spending hours and hours online looking for Digital Freebies but I can never sit there and actually do a layout. (mainly cause I am so cheap so I never have a full kit) But I do save some of the quickpages that I like. So tonight I was going through all my files telling Sherrow I need to get some external memory for all of these files and found this quickpage and decided to put some pictures of him in there. It was soo easy I need to keep on doing this and get some pages done even though it is cheating. I want to actually get some paper ones done too! I would love to even get started on my Pregnancy Album to!! Oops!! Here you go though!!! I think during the summer when I am not in school I am going to do something like a Layout a Day like one of the ladies I talk to on my forums is doing right now. I can do it she has five kids and still gets it done!!

Not so good news...

Well as most of you know my sister is pregnant with twins and she is just starting her 7th month today. Well she is also in the hospital with pretty regular cramps and a positive test telling the doctors that her uterus is telling them that she is going to have these babies in the next two weeks. YIKES!!! She is going through treatments of Magnesium sulfate and steriod shots to get the contractions to stop and the steriods are to get the babies lungs more developed!! Right now she may not have any vistors so she can sleep and get rest!! So pray that she keeps these babies in for as long as possible because they wont be no more then 2.5-3 lbs if they are that lucky. They are going to have a serious battle once they enter this world. I will keep you posted as much as I can.

With all of this going on and still trying to keep up with school and everything I am hoping that I will get Jaemen's 2 month pictures done soon. He has had a few stratches on his face and looking a little roughed up hehe so I havent taken them yet! But soon Maybe today!! I have a lot of studying to do!! He will be 2 months tomorrow though!!! Wow how the time has went by but then it hasnt and I can't wait for him to start reaching for us and getting more control of his own body!! I have more pictures to post but they are at home and I am at school so I will post them later... maybe and hopefully with 2 month pictures.

I have also learned how to better my pictures a little more in photoshop. I am also making a valentine card for some of our closer family members cause I am going to be testing out a new printing lab that I have found for my pictures. Instead of just printing them out at walgreens and for the storyboards I want to get more into!! So here is a little sample I am sure it is going to change the picture definetly is going to change at least!! I want a black and white!! Tell me what you guys think!!

Ok this post is long enough!! Again Pray for my sister and her babies and I will keep you posted!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

All Smiles!!

It seems like all we are getting out of Jaemen these days are smiles!!! You barely have to look at him and he will give you one and he has this cute little wink thing that he does with his eye!! I can never though get a picture of it but I got a great one tonight so I just had to post it!! I am going to be doing his 2 month pictures tomorrow while the sun is out and his daddy can help me too!! So look for those!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Hey everyone please go to the link below and vote for Jaemen in this contest!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! We love you all!!!

Just testing the new list!!

I am just posting this to see if the mail list I just set up is going to work!!! If you want to get an email everytime I post a new blog then just leave a comment with your email address and I will add you to the list!!!

Our lil Man is Growing....


He had a doctor appt for his one month check up even though he was a month and a half. Do you really want to know how much he weighed at 6 weeks old..

Yeah that is right

11 lbs 8ozs

and 24 inches long!!

He is coming out of 0-3 month clothes and going into 3-6. My lil baby isnt lil anymore. Even though when we go out everyone is like ohhhh what a handsome boy he is sooo little! I am like WHAT?? He is not little. He wasnt little when he came out. For heavens sake my girlfriends little boy is 9 months old and is still in 3-6 month clothes!!! Jaemen isnt even 2 months yet!!!

As for sleep... It is getting better. We are going to start him back out on cereal this coming up week. And I honestly think that he might sleep right through the night!! Then we are going to try and see how mom feels about him sleeping in his OWN ROOM!!! I am pretty sure he is getting more use to the schedule that we have going here. Dad is getting better with him... just has to learn that he is growing up and we have a baby that hates to sleep during the day and just let the baby do what he wants unless he is fussy or screaming.

That is about it now!! He is smiling and cooing SOOO much now. He talks to us all the time now, I have only caught it on camera once though talking to his dad!! He didnt want to do his little photoshoot with me the other day, started screaming so I gave up and then went and at out in the living room with me and he gave me the biggest smile. I was like you little rat why didnt you do that when i had a camera in my hand!! hehe... Oh well there will be many to come!! That is it though I promise you keep this more updated now, our internet went down that is why it took soo long!!!

- Karidan and Jaemen

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Not much going on here. I have went back to school and working like 20 hours at work so we are just getting used to the new schedule and trust me I think it is harder on me then it is on Jaemen. But we got his first month pictures back! I really wasnt crazy about them! I have taken better ones at home but at least I got into the pictures!! BUT they got profile shots and I HATE my profile so i really dont like them!! Plus my hair wasnt done and my eyebrows were done!!! but oh well we still got them!! Here you go though...

Other then that we are getting so many smiles out of him now!! I LOVE it!! I cant wait until he really responds to us!! I will update with more pictures this week. I am planning to take some more pictures tomorrow when I get home from school!!

- Karidan

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I am sorry guys!!! I know I havent posted in 10 days but that included Christmas, myself going back to work and New Year's. We have been so busy and I really havent had time!! I have also been working on maternity pictures for my cousin and trying to get those done before she heads back to Texas. So here you go..

Christmas was great but exhausting with a new baby and Jaemen was also very exhausted from the whole thing. On that Sunday we went to my mothers side's Christmas, then Christmas eve we went to my Aunt Stacey's house and then off to My dad's house from there. Christmas day we went to my mothers in the morning and then we had to travel to Battle Creek for his daddy's family christmas. So we had a very busy holiday... He got a million presents and I just cant imagine how next christmas will be when he can actually help open his own presents and play!! Jaemen was soo abdorable every day though.. I had an outfit for each day it was sooo cute!! (Even though one of the days his outfit made him look like a convict..heheh)

We also have had a trip to the ER unfortunutly... our little one woke up with a whole bunch of crusties in his eye and it was all swollen up. I wiped it out with a warm wash cloth and he went back to sleep and 20 mins later it was back. So we ran him up to the ER and of course it is a type of pink eye even though his eye was pink. The bad thing is it was his one month birthday.. awee!! You can see in the picture that his eye was all swollen like it was when he was born but today already it is better and lets hope it didnt spread to the other eye.

Today we are just laying around and watching football. Our little man is having a little gas problem with his cereal so he is a little under the weather along with daddy from being sick but you can bet he is in his michigan gear and I even caught a picture of him looking at the television "watching" the game!!

Other then that we are doing great over here. We are going to go and get his month pictures taken so that I have some pictures with him. Since I am always behind the camera I get to step in front!!! I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday and brought the new year in on a happy note!!
Happy Holidays
Karidan, Sherrow, and Jaemen!!