A lot of people have actually been asking me if they can print Jaemen's pictures right from this website and I think it all depends on how I upload them. So I did a little research and come to find out every picture that I have been uploading to the website actally uploads right to its own album at google. (didnt know this) AnyWHO... You can go to this link here Picasa Web Albums. There you go that is all the pictures I have ever uploaded. From here you can order the pictures from whatever provider that you want... I order from snapfish.com and really like them and they offer a lot of great deals all the time!! I will put this link on the side of the blog to so that you can always have the link! If I ever have a lot of picture from one event or something I will post that a link to that album also!! I will not make the albums of the people I am taking pictures of though those you will not be able to access those or order them through Picasa because that would just defeat the purpose. You could just order the prints off online instead of from me and that isnt fair right!! hehe... Ok enough about that!!
Dont have a lot of updates thought.. nothing much is going on here. Just getting back into the groove of things with school starting back up and everything. The organic test that I studied over like 12 hours for. Yeah that was the hardest test I have ever taken in my college career, that was awarded to my Anatomy class but I was pregnant and if I wouldnt have been in so much pain I probably could have studied easier and all that info was right out of the notes. This test was all reactions and about impossible. EVERYONE I have talked to said they did horrible on it!! So we will see!!
Dont have a lot of updates thought.. nothing much is going on here. Just getting back into the groove of things with school starting back up and everything. The organic test that I studied over like 12 hours for. Yeah that was the hardest test I have ever taken in my college career, that was awarded to my Anatomy class but I was pregnant and if I wouldnt have been in so much pain I probably could have studied easier and all that info was right out of the notes. This test was all reactions and about impossible. EVERYONE I have talked to said they did horrible on it!! So we will see!!
I have to think of another idea for Jaemens Three Month Pictures!! I dont know what I want to do!! He is so close to sitting up by himself!! I LOVE IT!! Things will get so fun in his pictures now!! So if you see something fun let me know!! I think I am going to try him on his tummy he is getting better with that and those are cute pictures!! That is about it though... Oh they sent Afton home today I guess. I havent talked to her today but that is the latest news!!! Love you all!!
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